Intuitive Guidance
Astrology, Awakening, Alchemy & Ascension
Who I AM...
I AM a Wayshower, Ascension Guide, Energy Intuitive, Mystic, Teacher, Mastery Mentor, and Intuitive Astrologer. I AM dedicated to a path of pure service to assist Ascension.
What I do...
My sole/soul purpose is to assist you in the process embodying and anchoring your Higher Self through powerful one on one transformational sessions. Amidst the chaos, we are becoming Source Incarnate
and we are here to shift this
planet into Love, together.
How I do it...
I am Claircognizant (clear knowing) and Clairsentient (clear sensing). I channel Source through the merge of my Higher Self. I use my psychic gifts and the Christ Consciousness asteroids to unravel our story and reveal our destiny, along with Alchemical tools to transform.
How We Connect...
Sessions are conducted via Zoom or Phone
The Flavor of my Work...
These are one on one private sessions using Astrology focused on the Ascension process and utilizing Alchemy to work through some of the tougher energy waves that hit us all from time to time. Our goal is to continue to clear and expand our fields so that we can assist others to foster and grow their Light.
WE truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for…there is SO much Love and Light on the planet right now. And this is why it looks so chaotic. It's like a bright light has been turned on in a dark room filled with old junk we don't need anymore. Until the light came on, we didn't acknowledge the "junk" was there. The old is rising up and coming to the surface to be healed, cleared and dissolved. Once this happens, everything changes.
And we do this through the power of Love. It has always been and always will be the only answer.