Intuitive Astrology/Consciousness Coaching Readings: Approximately an hour and a half, $95 for existing clients, $125 for new clients.
Intuitive Astrology and Consciousness Coaching readings have merged! It became very apparent quite some time ago that we are now so far into the Ascension process, that this information was showing up in everyone's charts, whether they are conscious of it or not, it makes no difference, the information is there, as if locked in a time capsule just waiting to be reopened, and remembered. This happens when certain transits, eclipses etc. activate our natal planets and aspects.
Once someone is made aware of what's happening energetically and cyclically, an interesting thing begins to happen. They then begin to remember their soul's journey and why they incarnated at this time. Gnosis begins to take place. Synchronicity increases, messages seem to come from everywhere, and slowly we step into our true selves.
We are ALL here to experience this epochal transition into the Age of Aquarius, and the return of the Christed energy, ALONG with that of the Divine Feminine.
We can still see what we need to in regards to questions that affect your daily life. Such as topics about relocation, romance, marriage, children, health and career. We utilize Alchemy to dissolve old patterns and blockages.
I love that Astrology is multi-dimensional, meaning it can provide us with direction and guidance in situations in life that affect us all, and at the same time it can reveal to us what the destiny of our soul is.
In these readings we dive DEEP. We may look at a multitude of charts which is where new information may present in addition to what we have discovered in your birth chart. Looking at different charts almost always serve as further validation of what we have already uncovered; the story continues to build, which is very empowering!
*This reading is great if you are considering the Ascension Alchemy Coaching sessions and aren’t entirely sure of where you are in the process and/or want to jump start the sessions with a wealth of information for us to build upon right out of the gate.
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