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What is Going on from an Astrological and Spiritual Point of View

We are at the end of the age of Pisces after two thousand plus years. This means we are entering the long awaited age of Aquarius.This actually began in the 1960s with the transformative Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo; the beginning of anchoring in the awakening and transformative energy of love, in service to others.

Aquarius is the sign that represents humanity taking care of’s the beginning of the Golden Age that has been prophesied about for eons, in every religion, in every culture, and in every ancient text. It is our unique, individual, creative expression in service to the whole of society. It’s that whole “Do unto others” thing.

We are well into the unraveling and the dismantling of the outdated systems which will no longer be supported by the people. Aquarius is the sign of the people.

At the same time the old is falling, the new is rising up and taking form in the collective consciousness more and more everyday. You can see people all over the world whose hearts have opened and understand and innately know it’s time to put people over profits; time to operate for the good of all, and in the best interest of every single human being.The Earth that we are all here to share, is a planet of great abundance, there’s no reason for anyone to be in lack, go hungry or be homeless.

Going forward, systems based on only profit and NOT in integrity will not be able to thrive and survive. The energy will not support it.

You will notice, if you haven’t already, people talking about ideas that are Aquarian in nature, like healthcare for all, UBI (Universal Basic Income) just to name a couple. These ideas are Uranian.The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is about new, innovative, out of the box, revolutionary ideas and ways of doing things that are brilliant and unique in nature. It also has the energy of lightning, and can change things in a no going back kind of way, seemingly in the blink of an eye.

Uranus is transiting Taurus, the sign of money, our relationship to it and what we value until 2026. It is inevitable that our financial system will be changed by the time Uranus leaves Taurus. Its transit began in 2018/19 and is serving to awaken all to see that there are new, innovative and better, more humane ways of doing things that benefit all of society, not just the fortunate few. There is no going back to “normal”, and that’s a good thing. The financial system has been laid bare for all to see that it is actually built upon the greed of those who know how to manipulate it for themselves.

Uranus is also the Great Awakener and is representative of Source in the chart. At the same time it is changing our financial systems, it also represents spiritual technology, i.e. Alchemy in the body, which is playing a big part in Ascension. A broad description of Ascension is best described as making the conscious choice to participate in your own evolution.

In Capricorn, the sign of government and business, Pluto is exposing all systems not built in integrity and serving to destroy what can't or won't be regenerated or transformed. We will move fully into the new energy by 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius permanently until 2044/2045 bringing the energy of transformation and power to the people. Our use of technology will increase by leaps and bounds. And new treatments and cures for diseases will be discovered.

It is the planet of death and rebirth, i.e. transformation. Capricorn, not only represents government and business, but also karma. And the United States is going to experience her Pluto return in February 2022. We are already in that energy which is only going to grow stronger and more intense. This is a SLOW burn transit and we have already been in it's energy for quite some time. It will make three exact hits in 2022 to the US natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn beginning 2/22/22. It takes about 247 years for Pluto to complete the circuit of the zodiac and return to it's natal placement. Expect whatever lessons the US didn't learn to show up for resolution at long last. We have already been experiencing this. Make no mistake, Pluto is the most powerful planet.

Interestingly, Capricorn also represents mastery. Not only is Pluto's transit transforming our systems of government; at the same time, it is transforming us, enabling us to step into our spiritual mastery.

Saturn, the planet of boundaries and restrictions is in the most social sign, Aquarius. This is literally the definition of social distancing. At the same time, Saturn is also anchoring and grounding new Aquarian ideas into form, albeit slowly. It retrograded back into Capricorn in July 2020, bringing more authoritarianism, crackdowns and restrictions by the government. It also assisted us in embodying more of our spiritual mastery and bringing it into physical form. It moved back into Aquarius to stay until March 2023 in December 2020.

After Saturn moved back into Aquarius, it soon came into the powerful ongoing energy of the square with freedom loving Uranus in Taurus, awakening us to just how much we value our freedom. The push pull energy of freedom vs. retrictions/boundaries has been with us for all of 2021. People are in the streets all over the world standing up for freedom and the rights of all, and this will only increase going forward.

The marker for our entrance into the age of Aqarius was when Jupiter and Saturn met up for what is called a Great Conjunction on the winter solstice, December 21st, 2020. Some Astrological scholars believe the Star of Bethlehem was a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.They meet up approximately every 20 years, so it’s not extremely rare, however, they don’t often meet at zero degrees at the beginning of Aquarius.This hearkens back to the “Water Bearer” and “Follow the man into his house” verses found in the bible that Jesus spoke when asked about the timing of his return by his disciples. Going forward, more of the collective will also begin to have the awareness that the Christ Consciousness energy, this time along with the Divine Feminine, has returned.

An additional and very interesting note is that the asteroid Yeshua/Jesus was at the end of Pisces at 29 degrees on that day. The last sign of the zodiac, at the very last degree of the zodiac, just before entering Aquarius.

Jupiter makes everything it touches bigger, and after a brief foray into spiritual Pisces, right now it’s currently in the potent and powerful evolutionary energies of Aquarius. After it sparks new, innovative ideas in Aquarius and the people standing up for freedom everywhere, it will move back into Pisces at the end of December 2021 which will bring in a beautiful spiritual energy for about 5 months. Jupiter represents wisdom, truth, spiritual teachings and higher belief systems.

We are in that time of the changeover and the fall of the old that many Intuitives and Lightworkers knew was coming, but just not what form it would take. This has been going on for quite some time with the intensity continuing to increase. For those whose hearts are open and are already living by Aquarian principles and ideals, it is now time to lead by example and be the Wayshower for others to follow. Presenting creative, new solutions with love, is the antidote to those still trying to create and prop up the old 3d reality.

For those who have already traversed this path, you will recognize this as the collective dark night of the soul. Transformation isn’t easy...and this process truly is like the caterpillar becoming the beautiful free-flying butterfly. And you could say that we have all recently gone through a process ofcocooning...and many wisely still are.

To say we are in profound evolutionary times is a massive understatement. We’re quickly moving into a transformative, revolutionary and progressive energy, heralding the new age of Aquarius. And it is time

For transformative one on one coaching sessions and to see what areas all of this is taking place in your chart; how it is manifesting in your life and what role you are to play in the long awaited Age of Aquarius, please visit

Much Love...Kelley


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